Magzter Gift card



About Magzter

Magzter is the world’s largest digital reading destination with thousands of magazines and newspapers. Magzter’s premium unlimited reading subscription, Magzter GOLD offers unlimited access to 8,500+ magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages, which can be accessed on the Magzter website, iOS, Android, Amazon, and Windows apps.

S$9.99 1-Month Access to 8,500+ Magazines & Newspapers: S$9.99

This e-voucher entitles the recipient to a 1-Month Access to 8,500+ Magazines & Newspapers.

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S$99.99 1-Year Access to 8,500+ Magazines & Newspapers: S$99.99

This e-voucher entitles the recipient to a 1-Year Access to 8,500+ Magazines & Newspapers.

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Redeem Magzter Gift Card Online

1. Visit
2. Enter your Е-Gift Card Code and click on "Redeem"
3. Sign in/Sign up on Magzter and confirm the e-gift card code redemption
4. Enjoy reading 8,500+ magazines and newspapers!

Terms of redemption

1. This e-voucher can be redeemed to access digital content at and on the Magzter iOS, Android, Amazon, and Windows apps.
2. The e-voucher is valid for a single use and is no longer valid upon expiring.
3. The e-voucher is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other forms of credit.
4. E-vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be canceled once redeemed.
5. Redemption of the e-voucher is only permissible upon the expiration of your existing Magzter GOLD subscription. If you have a current subscription it needs to expire before using this e-voucher.

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